How Payday Loans Work - The Real Deal!

Payday loans work pretty simply, actually. The steps to acquiring a payday loan are simply to fill out an application. Whether you have bad credit, good credit or no credit, payday loans are easy to secure if you have a job. A job is your ticket to getting a payday loan, as it shows you have the resources available to repay it.

Once you have been approved for the loan, you will be asked to read over some paperwork that outlines the terms of the loan. It is very important that you read the paperwork carefully so that you understand exactly what the terms are of your specific loan. General terms will cover repayment schedules and fees. There will be a section that covers the consequences for failing to repay the loan.

So, you decide to borrow a few hundred dollars, and have been approved. You may be asked to write a post dated check or give the lender approval to debit your checking account on the day that the loan is due. This way, you are taking care of repayment at the time that you accept the loan. The next thing to look at is the fee schedule.

For every one hundred dollars that you borrow, there is a fee that ranges from fifteen to thirty dollars. A five hundred dollar loan could cost you as much as one hundred fifty dollars to borrow for up to two weeks. If it is difficult for you to recover the five hundred plus the additional one hundred fifty to cover the fees, in such a short time, you may want to reconsider the payday loan.

If you find yourself in the position where the payday loan can not be repaid on the schedule set up, there is an opportunity to roll it over, which means renew the loan. This can be done one or two times only. But think about it. One renewal on five hundred dollar, could mean up to one hundred and fifty in fees. Renew it a second time and double that fee. Let's add it up. The fee for taking out the loan, plus two renewals, could cost you four hundred and fifty dollars to borrow five hundred dollars for less than two months!

Let's assume that you are not having trouble with repayment. Once your payday loan is paid off, you are good to go. It shows up on your credit report as a debt that was paid according to the terms and on time. The only thing that could make it a negative, is if you have too much credit or you habitually use the short term payday loan to fix your cash flow problems.

So, to sum up, how a payday loan works is a simple process. You apply for the loan and get approved. All you really need is a job to show that you have the means to repay the loan. A paycheck will be coming to cover the debt! You receive your loan and have one or two weeks to pay it back. A large fee is charged to process this transaction. Failure to pay the loan back on time can be catastrophic to your finances.


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