Payday Loan Lenders Are Not A Credit Score Factor

Online payday loan lenders do not look at your credit score, but they are one of a very few who do not. Keeping your score high is a struggle for many. When you understand what makes a good score it will be easier to make it all work. Some people think that you have to have high income in order to have good credit. How much you make is not a factor in your credit score at all. There is a comparison of income to debt included with some creditors' view towards new debt applications.

It's never too late to make your credit score your focus. Keep all your financial options open instead of relying on the direct payday loan lenders. You can bounce back with a plan and consistent action towards it. Keep in mind the five factors which are used to figure the score. Each one needs attention in order to build or rebuild your credit. Even if you have good credit right now, these five factors will help keep you away from needing payday loan lenders down the road.

1. Your payment history - Up to 35% of your credit score is made up from your payment history. On time payments are an extremely important factor of your credit score. This alone is what makes direct online payday loan lenders popular with people who have trouble making it to their next paycheck. Automatic payments or well-planned out scheduling cannot make up for too many unexpected payments. When paychecks are too far away, use your online payday loan lenders to have money to cover the bills on time.

2. Balance owed - The balance amount owed is accredited to 30% of your credit score. The creditors would like to see less than 30% of the available balance used at any given time. Budget your funds to get the balances paid down. Make your goal 20% of the balance. If you do have a loan out from a payday loan lender, this amount is not calculated in this percentage.

3. The length of credit - How long you have had your accounts open for will be used for up to 15% of the score. Keep the accounts active for a positive effect on your credit score. you do not need to have unpaid balances, but use the card every now and then and pay it off quickly. Cancelling unused accounts can hurt your credit.

4. New credit applications - Up to 10% of your score will reflect new credit accounts. Improve your credit score by taking a break from applying for new credit. Every time there is a hard inquiry to your credit, your score drops. Payday loan lenders do not use credit scores to determine approval, but you will want to stay clear of credit cards, car loans, mortgages and personal bank loans.

5. Types of credit open - Showing different types of credit on your credit score will account for up to 10%. Having both revolving loans (credit cards) and installment loans (i.e. car loans). If you do not have credit cards, you will want to break rule number 4 and obtain a credit card. Use it sparingly if you worry about holding a balance and pay it off each month. Direct payday loan lenders accounts are not included since the debt is not reported to the credit bureaus unless it is in default.

Keep on top of these five factors in order to safeguard your future finances. Remember that even though the online payday loan lenders do not report your debt during the term of the direct payday loan, they will sell it off to a creditor if left unpaid. Collectors will report your debt to the credit bureau and your score will drop.


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