All About Stopping Payment On A Payday Loan Check

It's easy to do all kinds of things with payday loans. It's easy to find a payday loan. It's easy to get approved. It may even be easy to pay a payday loan back, but you won't hear everyone say that. For some people it's not easy at all to see that their paycheck is a lot less than it usually is because they have to pay back a payday loan. That can be very disappointing. However, there is a way to breathe a little easier when it comes to payday loan checks. You just stop the payment from hitting your bank. Some people have never stopped payment on a check before so they may think doing so is a complicated process, but it really is quite easy. This article will tell you what you need to know about stopping payment on a payday loan check.

All you need is your telephone. If you've got a telephone and fingers that can dial, you can call your bank up right now and stop payment on your payday loan check. When you call, make sure you get the menu prompt for customer service. When you get a bank teller or bank manager on the line, simply make your request to have a stop payment placed on your post-dated payday loan check. You'll save a lot of money by stopping a payment on a payday loan.

The bank teller or manager will ask you for a few documents when you want to stop payment. He or she will want the number of the check, the date you wrote the check, the name of the payee, and the dollar amount of the check. That means you can't just write a check to a lender, get approved and forget about the check. You should make that check accountable in your check register by asking yourself what number check it is and what the exact dollar amount is right down to the nickels and dimes.

You should be out of hot water by making a stop payment because stop payment orders usually last for a period of six months. That means that if the payday loan lender begins to repeatedly try and get his or her money out of your account, you'll be protected from receiving multiple nsf fees. However, after the six months is up, you still run the risk of your lender trying to go into your checking account and trying to obtain the money to pay back the payday loan. That means you could be surprised.

And, while it might sound like a good idea to stop payment on a payday loan check (and in many cases, it is a good idea) it's not the best decision to make all of the time because in many states legal action could be taken against your for placing a stop payment on a payday loan check. For instance, in Colorado and Wyoming, borrowers will find themselves in a lot of hot water if their bank account is closed at the time the payday loan debt is due.


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